Designyourfutures Wikia

This page provides information on how to get the most out of university. It will focus on improving Academics, Mental Health and participating in Extra-Curricular Activities.

"Academic Success Centre: Learning Strategies." Student Life. University of Toronto, n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2016. <>. 

Learning Strategies

Learning Strategies

The article, “Learning Strategies”, on the University of Toronto’s Academic Success Centre, is a reliable and credible source of information as it is found on an educational platform. The site itself is a great tool stressing the importance of academics and how to effectively study. The text focuses on various methods to learn, write, think critically, prepare and manage time successfully. To conclude, it is a great tool for students to take advantage of relative to betting their study habits and overall academic performance.

"Health & Wellness Centre: Mental Health." Student Life. University of Toronto, n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2016. <>.



The article, “Mental Health” found on the University of Toronto’s Health and Wellness Centre, is a credible source of information because it is provided by an educational institution. It emphasizes the importance of finding strength and highlights the significance of working through mental health problems in order to excel academically. The site contains information regarding the services that it provides, the value of student support, types of support offered and how to access counselling services. Overall, this site delivers information relative to challenging mental health through support and services.    

"Play." Student Life. University of Toronto, n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2016. <>.

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The article, “Play”, published by the University of Toronto, is a great platform for discovering various services and programs available for students relative to having fun. As the site recommends, playing is essential for students because its scientifically know to improve both their physical and mental well-being. It offers interactive links that redirect users to the many amenities including: clubs, intramurals and creative classes. On the whole, this is a great website for students who are interested in destressing or getting involved within the school.

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